Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Walmart Coachings: There is hope!

Walmart’s “Coaching” Policy

    If you are a Walmart employee, odds are you have come across Walmart’s coaching policy, or maybe you have been coached yourself. You might have questions about how the coaching policy actually works. Hopefully, this will help fill in the blanks.

Here are some questions that you need to be asking yourself:

  1. What is a coaching?
  2. How does it affect me as a Walmart employee?
  3. Can I bounce back after a coaching?
  4. How does Walmart’s disciplinary policy differ from other major retailers?

If you have further questions, please check out this link:

Now, since this is a blog I am going to be moving on to my personal opinion. After your second coaching, the company freezes you in your current position for a year. This means you can't promote, you can't transfer stores, or switch your job in your current store (from my understanding you can switch jobs at this point, only if it is a pay grade below your current position). You aren't even aloud to get a copy of your own coaching, detailing why management issued your coaching in the first place; however, management does inform you what you are being coached for, you just don't have access to their comments and your own discipline records. If you do try to acknowledge your interest in another position of a higher pay grade on the Career Preference Dashboard, located on the Walmart Wire, (Even if you have already passed the leadership assessment) the in-store website will inform you that you have an active coaching and will not allow you to continue. This can be quite heartbreaking, especially if a member of management has already come to you personally, to ask if you were interested in the position in the first place.

A coaching can be a very aggravating event, especially after #2. Though you do have to stick it out for a whole year; once that year is over, you get a fresh start and those coachings are not held over your head for the rest of your career. I suppose that Corporate Walmart theorizes that if an employee can stick with it for a whole year, that employee should be motivated not to repeat his actions that got him coached in the first place. I do believe that coachings should last only 6 months. A year is unheard of with most other companies. I wonder if corporate employees are held to the same standards, or if they get a clean pass for knowing the right people. It's hard to say, but I have placed it upon myself to grow with this company and help others do the same. I love the challenge retail work provides; not many people can stick with it before moving to another company. I don't agree with everything Walmart does; however, if you come to work on time, do your best and learn the system, it's pretty easy to move up the ladder. If Walmart is reading this, I hope they consider moving the time employees are frozen from one year, to six months, or maybe find another way for an employee to break out of that coaching if that employee works for it. I enjoy and take pride in my work, but I also care for the people I work with. I want this blog to be helpful for all Walmart employees.

Take your first verbal coaching as a time to reflect on what you need to improve and fix it. Try not to dwell on if your manager was right or wrong. A good manager will never punish a good employee for doing his job the right way. Just do your best to be at work and be there on time. Give 110% and everything will be okay.

Thank you for reading!


If you are interested in looking for a new job and you are not at all happy with the company that you are working for, you can get a better job. I recently read this book that really speaks volumes to how you not only deserve a decent job, but its within your reach. Check out this book on Amazon below:

A Brief Guide to the Modern Job Market

Let me know if you got anything out of it too. It's good for discussion.


  1. How can I be fired without a coaching? I ended up calling off the last three days and I have a doctor note for two of three days. However I went into work today and they have removed from the system.

    1. Walmart doesn't recognize doctors notes so you technically got 2 points fr missing work

    2. Dude learn to count...he/she got three points. How did you only come up with two? You get 1 point for each call out. The person called out three times... Walmart doesn't recognize two of them because they are doctors notes and are treated as regular call the third call out still counts as one too. Go to school bro.

    3. You missed on a double point day that’s why you got 3 points for 2 days, or you didn’t call or it didn’t register, and you got 3 points for no/ns

  2. They actually can't do that. Unless they changed the policy since I worked there. Per Walmart policy, you should only receive a verbal coaching after your first three absences, within six months. Depending on your location, it could be illegal to fire you if you have two notes from your doctor. I suggest doing some research on your state's local laws just to make sure. If it is, then tell them that you will be seeking legal council. They may just hire you back on the spot in that case, managers are held for ransom just as much as associates are. There are many attorneys that offer free consultations. If they believe they could win a case for you, they would probably represent you in court, as long as there is a legal reason for doing so.

    1. Walmart doesn't recognize doctors notes, that is true. But if they value their people then they can and do take it into account.

  3. I want too move from the front but I can't cuz I got 2 coaching but I hate it up their so I mite just quiet

  4. Can two female assistant managers Be in a coaching for a male associate without another male in the room

    1. No they're should be a male asst mgr or male Dept mgr as a witness .

    2. The answer is yes, policy has changed and it might change again.

    3. I was coached for a second time by the supervisor and team lead, both female, is there supposed to be a male in with us? Also, supervisor doesn’t like me, brings her personal problems to work, and takes it out on me by nit picking coaching.

  5. I have 3 coachings, is it possible to get a raise two weeks after my third coaching goes away?

  6. That would depend on management. I was able to secure a raise after having two coachings and being frozen over for a year. It would be a good idea to get with your manager or just speak to the store manager to see what would be possible in your case. Don't be afraid to consider other retail opportunities if Walmart isn't the right fit for you. Most people won't survive any amount of time at Walmart without receiving 2 coachings. After your second coaching, you can't be promoted. This saves the company money. Coachings are only in place to save money. Walmart will cut costs every chance it gets.

  7. The one thing I'm not sure of is this, I received my 1st coaching Christmas eve of last year 2015 per meal violation of 3 seconds. My second was a bogus that they only did to "make an example out of me" so when can I move up will it be after the second or after the first goes away? I'm confused with it.

  8. The first one is just considered a verbal warning, the second freezes you over for a year. If you are wanting to move up in that time period, it is best to find an alternate employer. It is kind of depressing when you see people who have worked there for over 30 years just be recently promoted to department manager. Unfortunately with Walmart, they don't really value the associate. The coachings are in place to give managers an excuse to not promote anyone. I honestly didn't know very many people at Walmart who didn't have at least two coachings, and it was typically the people who worked hard and wanted to promote. Walmart will do anything it can to cut costs. People are expensive...

  9. I have a question if someone does something wrong and they get called out on it is the coaching suposse to happen right then and there or are they allowed to coach u a week later

    1. From what I understand it needs to happen that day. unless its at the end of your shift and you go home and your off for a few days or a week, then it can be done on your next day back to work

    2. Unfortunately they don't always do that.

    3. You understand wrong. It can happen later if the situation warrants it. Facts and witness statements have to be gathered. Film reviewed etc. Stop being stupid and try to think critically.

  10. I just got my first written coaching. can I still promote? also how do i dispute a coaching?

    1. Open door policy do your research.

    2. IOW F2ck U don't comment

  11. I have no verbal coaching. My first coaching, in 61/2 years, is writing. No warning before and does'nt said me "it's a coaching ". I work hard and my supervisor said me it's not enough. I signed that but after i realized it's that a coaching. She doesn't like me and wish i jump.

    1. Don't sign what you don't understand. Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity.

  12. If I got only 1 coaching can si still be promoted and move up in positions at Walmart in California

    1. You will most likely have to wait for the coaching to go away before you can.

  13. I messed up today and a csm wants to have a discussion with me. Tomorrow is my last day of training. I work front end and called for a brake and I didn't know the action code would do what it did so I wasn't helping a customer. I worked on clearing out of it to help the customer but it was to late. Will I get a coaching because of this? Can csm's give coaching?

    1. in my knowledge no a CSM can not give a coaching, we can report it to the ASM or ZMS but not do it ourselves. CSM can talk to you about appropriate use of codes and educate you on how to clear out of things. Educate and guide is part of the CSM position

    2. You admitted that you were wrong. Be an adult and accept the punishment if there is one. Just because a CAM can't give you a coaching doesn't mean they won't push it to the next level of management to give you one. So suck it up and take your medicine.

    3. Can you be coach off clock.for argument with manager

  14. You know guys: if you get a coaching, you can appeal it with your CO-Manager. And if the CO-Manager doesn't help, you can go to the Store-Manager. And if the Store Manager doesn't help, you can go to District Manager and even higher up to the corp office. I got a coaching and had it removed. It's called: Wal-Mart open door policy. Now if it's a safety issue, they have it on video and most of the time it's valid. However, if it's anything else, I would fight it with open-door-policy..

  15. I got two coach long they said I went past a stop sign in the parking lot and it was at 8 pm it was dead I always stop I ask to look a the tape they said no and I thought there supposed to give me a verbal before a written

    1. you got a coaching for poor driving decision ... were you driving on the clock?

    2. this isn't even valid.... you would have been driving off the clock and they can't coach for that... open door it if you haven't already.

    3. Oh, just because you asked for a tape of the incident you think you are entitled to it. You think Walmart is going to give you information about it's security cameras...they can't. Think about it!

    4. If the coaching stands then they have all the proof they need. You are lying.

    5. If it's a safety issue then they can straight up fire you. Going passed a verbal to a coaching indicates that you know that you are full of 💩. Informing use that is was dead at 8pm indicates that you are attempting to justify your actions and know that you are wrong. No one should believe you. If you want sympathy then use the power of your words and omit certain phrases that hide your guilty. You must clearly think people are stupid to lie straight to them.

  16. Unfortunately ive been coached by my co-manager just today. It was a coaching for not "following one best way" with the new section work in the my productivity screen. I finished every one of my department manager duties at 6 tgat evening 2 hours later than i was supposed to be there. The reason for it, is because several assistants ate up my day l, stealing four hours away from me in the beginning, not counting the more time taken from me from my oersonal assistant taking me for 2 hours. I informed EACH assistant that i needed to complete my tasks for the day before I helo with theres, no one listened, and resulted in me finishing late. I was coached because of the poor planning of my assistant managers, not because my wirk wasnt complete. Ive gone to my store manager personally, and if it doesnt wirk, im going to my market manager. Do i actually have ANY ground here? Am i somehow in the wrong? What are my chances of over turning this

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. How can i report a harrassment towards a Manager especaly on camera

  19. I don't understand ethically how Walmart can do the associates like this.

    1. Walmart is pro associate and not anti-union. Walmart can get away with this because it is in the right.

  20. And when he called HR to let them know what happened and about the coaching she pretty much blew it off! I do alot of shopping there but not anymore

  21. Does the verbal count as your first coaching. Or is it a warning

    1. if the verbal you got was told to you it was a coaching and you had to give your WIN number at the end then it was a verbal coaching and yes, it counts as a first. If you didn't sign anything at the end then it isn't a coaching but a reprimand.. and reprimands can happen all the time without going on your record.

    2. Almost a year ago, I was told by my assistant that she needed to have a “conversation” with me. It was for late mods that I wasn’t even there to complete, but I didn’t have to sign anything or put my WIN or password in. Then two days ago, our new assistant coached me for job performance. I was on medical leave for 3 months and they said that there wasn’t anyone assigned specifically to my department. So, needless to say, I came back to a disaster! There was one touch totes, break pack boxes, bag boxes, etc of just random things thrown all in together! I have been back for about 2 months and have been trying to get my bins under control, get everything labeled with a count on it, work my freight, and I had 22 mods drop a few weeks ago, which ends up being over 500 mods if you count each category on each register, which I had no help with whatsoever. My assistant was gone the entire month of October for vacation and the academy, and he had stated before he left that there were a couple CEM’s that knew how to set mods and my zone manager also could help with them. But it ended up that I had to set all of them myself alone. Which in turn put me behind on freight and everything else that I needed to do daily! I am a department manager over 82, I was told that it is solely my responsibility to work all the freight, McClanes, as seen on tv, batteries, clip strips, and sidekicks throughout the store and on the front end. And I totally understand that and I️ have no problem with that. But I was also told when I got coached that it wasn’t the cashiers or the CSM’s or the ZM’s responsibility to do anything in my department. When I was trained as a cashier, l was trained to help with McCalnes and help fill outs. My questions are, can I fight this coaching? I don’t feel I should have to carry the entire front end because I am not the only associate that “owns” the front end. We have a ZM that stays in the office more than ever on the sales floor, we have CSM’s, and we have cashiers that should all also “own” the front end. And the only reasons I even got behind is because I was out on medical leave for 3 months, I came back to a huge mess, it took a few weeks to get my bins straightened out, and then I had several mods with no help setting them. Is this ok? And do I have a right and a “logical” reason to fight this?

    3. You deserved it, so quitcha bitchin!!!

  22. Trying to transfer my coaching ended 6 months ago but the assistant who talked to me says I have past opportunities and will only allow me to transfer as an associate after I've been a supervisor numerous times in different departments.

    1. In other still have a lot to learn. So prove yourself.

  23. Can u automatic get a coach3 is it in the policy???

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. At Sam's Club - How many coaching's before your terminated?
    I was originally told you can have 3 and if you get a 4th you'll be terminated.

    Then I was told you can have only 2 and if you get a 3rd you'll be terminated.

    Which is it?

    I have seen numerous posts that say the 4, that you can have 3 and the 4th is termination.

    I've seen posts from associates who have 3 and are still employed which would indicate the 4th is termination. .

    And, as far as being ineligible for promotion or transfer.....I know several people who have transferred to other positions, stores and others who've been moved, promoted to another position within the same store with a pay increase...DESPITE HAVING AN ACTIVE OOACHING IN THEIR FILE.

    And, another question I have is:
    When management doesn't follow proper procedure for posting job openings that are available and associates are forced to loose out on the opportunities and then come to find out the position was never posted and you've been passed over and you find out the position was handed to another associate who just started less than 2 months ago.

    And what does an associate do when they've been passed over, preferences ignored, the interview process isn't completed, position not posted or being made available to everyone and you find out you were passed over for a position your more than qualified for and had it been properly posted and made available to everyone and you realize had it been you could have been promoted and moved just prior to getting your 2nd coaching?

    1. I was actively pitching a bitch for the last 2 months about jobs not being posted and wanted to know why I keep getting passed over and management gave no reason nor any explanation, I was off 2 days and when I went back to work it was all arranged and they set me up by sending a co worker through my line with the sticker changed on a seasonal item and I didn't catch it. 1) the descriptions are often so abbreviated it's hard to tell what the item is. 2) The price wasn't that far off, and most importantly 3) I DID NOT KNOW THE SEASONAL ITEMS HAVE REMOVABLE STICKERS, the majority of items the bar code is engrained in the cardboard of the box. And how ironic the timing now management don't have to worry about passing me over nor any explanation. Due to some other things that have gone on, I believe this is retaliatory.

    2. If you work as well as you write them I can see how you were passed over for promotions.

  26. Is there an expiration window as to how much time a manager has to coach you for a single incident?

    1. There is not, the company gives them unlimited authority in this regard, especially if it helps the company cut costs by not promoting an associate or giving them a higher raise. The company's only goal is to make more money than the previous year. Store managers are always under the microscope. So if coaching you cuts costs, its fair game.

    2. You are such a clueless bastard you are that it's funny. How wrong you are and yet you try to seem knowledgeable. STFU!!!

  27. I got my third coaching last night for something I know I didn't do. I have worked in the infants department for 4 years and I have had problems with her for the problems I Been there. I am not the only one that stock that department. There is Cap 1 team and Cap 2 team that's also stock. But I am the one who always get coached for something. I feel to believe it's a discrimination thing against me. I have complained about numerous thing in that department but nothing gets done about it. I have made up my mind either I cut my days or just quit.i really like my job but I feel I have no choice. This department all she has to do is whine and they come to her rescue. She never cleans up her department, nor does her topstock, nor get her mods done on time but nothing gets done. I don't understand.

    1. Just transfer out of the department. Her flaws will come to light when she doesn't have anyone to hide behind anymore. If you stay in the department you will probably be fired. If you move to another area then you can keep your job and become an ally of the next associate that gets abused by her.

  28. I was coached for someone reporting i had a relationship with an assistant manager and I am a CSM. It was someone who did not like me who started the issues. However, store manager stated there were messages from me to this asst.mgr that I did not send and I was coached for it? They refused to hear my side of everything even though this manager has a red mark against him for remarks to other women in the store. I never did this and it's at the HR District level now. When I was coached it was done by a male store manager and another male assistant manager. I thought a female had to present as I am a female? How can I prove I did not send this messages and in fact all I ever did was complain about a hostile work environment with this manager who came onto me and I refused!

    1. The assistant manager should have been coached not you. However, it's strongly suggested that a member of the same sex be present when handling a coaching it is not policy to do so. If it's in the HR District managers hands now and there's no proof against you in the way of text messages then you are probably safe, unless there's compelling eye witnesses and/or video footage that backs up the claims against you.

  29. I was coached when me and and another team member got into a argument. I was off the clock the other is person was on the clock. Is this justified?

    1. Managers can justify whatever they want, especially if it helps them cut costs. Every manager's job is to help the store show that they made more money than the previous year. They also get bonuses.

    2. That's a punks reply and the reply of someone who doesn't take responsibility for ones actions. Punk.

    3. Absolutely, you were still at work and on Walmart property. Just because you were off the clock doesn't mean you can do or say whatever you want.

  30. Omg I got coached three times over something stupid! These managers take something and make it into something it is not. I finally gave up at the third coaching which I knew would happen l. I am currently seeking another job because I am fed up with the bullshit

    1. This is normal and every employee should expect it right after Christmas, when business starts to decline.

    2. Some members of management are bad, just as some associates are too. I think you are the latter

  31. how many days after you have an incident with cash register can manager coach you about it

  32. I was coached in a took FULL of assistant managers and then a month or so later got coached for "going to the wrong manager" when I got with a support about the situation but didn't fulling tell them what was going on and then fully informed an overnight assistant... Could I possibly get both removed?... Also they had me work 3-4 months 34+ a week straight and still refused to make me full time..

    1. Learn how to use your words better. If you write as efficiently as you work then I can see why they might not want to reward you with full time hours. The chain of command is important, you are probably too stupid to not understand this and gave probably been warned on multiple occasions about this. Idiot.

  33. I am an Overnight Maitenance Supervisor, been only for 3 months with no training.I just got my first coaching for store not swept and scrubbed, but if they pull camera you see my team did. I just got a copy of the coaching and it says next level of action is "third written up to and including termination". Can they do that? With no second write up? How do I fight this? I don't want to lose my job.

    1. Depending on the severity of the offense, you can get terminated on the spot.

  34. NO,they cannot. Tell your club manager in writing that you are challenging the coaching, that you do not agree with the reason for the coaching, you're disputing/challenging it as it lacks merit and it was not warranted, you want it investigated and. removed Include the facts, remind them and welcome them to check their own video footage to verify the facts. Secondly, despite Walmart employment is "at will" they there is a "Progressive disciplinary Action Policy" and they have to follow the policy step by step including coaching. The process is the 1st coaching is VERBAL, but they make you sign a paper saying they administered a coaching Level 1. The 2nd coaching you get written up & have to sign it. The 3rd coaching is considered 3rd & Final because there is no 4th coaching, it's what they call "decision making day" they have to decide if the offense is worth terminating your employment. But they do have to follow the "Progressive Disciplinary Action" Policy step by step. When your written up, the top of the paper will say... Disciplinary action administered at Level First, Second or Third and the date administered should reflect the current days date. If you have a first coaching they cannot administer a 3rd without having administered a second. But definately, fight it, at best they will investigate and remove it. At worst they'll make it a level 2 or second coaching. But if they deny your request to remove and refuse to remove it, the take the next step and call the help line to lodge your complaint, they will take a statement from you then they will direct you to contact your clubs GM. Thats the bad part about being in a management position is when the employees working under your management allegedly do something wrong, you're the one whos they hold accountable and you're inadvertantly responsible for it.

    1. You don't know what you are talking about. Typical think-you-knkw-it-all. Stop giving out bad information to boost your own ego. Walmart can terminate on the spot depending on the severity of the offense. Think about this, if you get caught stealing do you think Walmart will adhere to a progressive disciplinary action policy or do you think you will get fired then and there? Think about that? There are exceptions.

    2. I’ve worked at Sam’s club for 8 years and know exactly what I’m talking about as I’ve dealt with shit for the last couple years, filed complaints that they blew off and did nothing about. BUT proof don’t lie! I enforced my last complaint and reported acts of retaliation that continued whilst there was an open investigation, my complaint escalated to ethics, I demanded the anti-retaliation no tolerance policy be enforced, I made it clear I wasn’t going to back down. I forwarded emails and text messages that I had sent to my manager and the manager of the club to ethics representative investigating my complaint, 2 days later the club manager suddenly went out on leave and 2 weeks ago all associates were informed of a mandatory meeting to let everyone know the club manager was FIRED for misconduct. And a email was sent to me personally informing me the club manager was terminated and the investigation of my manager is still ongoing but they’ll be fired too. The evidence provided proved the club manager was complicit and fired for it. My manager did the retaliating and will be fired for violating the no tolerance policy. Didn’t realize my comment was anonymous My name is Julie club #4709.

  35. The coaching system changed, it's no longer 1st, 2nd, 3rd. They color coded them depending on the severity of the situation. Which in that maintenance manager's case, they gave him a DA-2 Orange. You can still use the open door policy and fight it

    1. Good job. Clearly you know what you are talking about.

  36. What if you clock out at your scheduled time and they have no one to cover the door?

    1. That's their fault and you can dispute it. They cannot legally hold you over your scheduled time unless you consent to it.

  37. So I just got coached yesterday for productivity but I had already been coached a week and a half ago for the same thing. Is this legal because I thought they couldn't coach you for the same thing twice within a certain time frame. Also I received both shortly after I had talked about transferring to another department. Any help ?

    1. If you do something wrong and are coached for it and then you do it again, why wouldn't you be coached for it a second time? You think you get a free pass to continue bad behavior just because you were coached once and didn't learn your lesson? Your coaching went from a yellow to an orange...learn what they were trying to correct or it'll go a red level coaching.

    2. Dumbass, why wouldn't you get coached again? Transferring departments won't fix your piss poor work ethic. Coward.

  38. So I haven't been here two full weeks, I am a rehire, and I have just been coached for productivity and for safety cause box's on the floor. Is this even right? Isn't there any leeway time for this bullshit?

    1. It's a safety issue. If you are a rehire then you should know better than to risk safety. As for productivity issues, that I can't speak to but you admit to leaving boxes on the floor, no leeway. You can open door it but good luck with that.

  39. For some context I'm a fairly new O/N stocker. Been working a little over a month. Like only two paychecks in so far. This is the first job I've worked period, so I'm a little slow to getting the hang of the job fully. So after my first two weeks I was put on papers to train my pace at stocking. I wasn't originally informed that was the reason behind it, but that's not really important. Tonight, after finishing my section late I was called in to talk to one of my coaches and I believe a team lead. I was told that I was working too slow and to my understanding, giving a warning, not a coaching. I didn't have to sign anything on the computer or even touch the computer, they said if the following pacing issue wasn't corrected it would be escalated to a yellow coaching. I completely agree with their decision and reasoning for calling me in, but I have some questions that wasn't exactly answered then, is there typically a scale of time they give you to improve, say a week or so, or can they just bump it to an actual coaching if you're still slow the next time you come in, even if you are trying different tactics to get faster? My other question is of a tip. Does anyone have any tips for how to quickly break down boxes? I feel it's one of the things slowing me down.

  40. No. No business can be discussed off the clock.

  41. Im a full time associate with one year as a cashier. I have an orange coaching. Soon ill be moving to another state. Is there any way possible to still qualify for a hardship transfer?

  42. what do u do if ur boss gives an orange coaching just for helping out another coworker because he/she thought u were goofing off
